In vitro Model
In vitro Model of Airway Narrowing Asthmatic subjects lack the bronchodilating response and bronchoprotective effects of deep...

Airway Narrowing
Airway Narrowing In this study, we quantitatively examine mucosal folding and excessive narrowing in a contracting airway. The principal...

Multi-Scale Modeling
Multi-Scale Modeling Currently, only a few tools exist to investigate how, in an integrated framework, the mechanical environment...

Molecular origins of Muscle Contraction
Molecular origins of Muscle Contraction In order to describe muscle contraction we are developing a computational platform that...

Traction Microscopy
Traction Microscopy Quantification of contractility and adhesion of living cells in culture is essential in understanding of...

Cell Adhesion
Cell Adhesion It has been shown that the formation of adhesive complexes strengthens when mechanical force is applied to them....

Perturbed Equilibria of Myosin Binding
Perturbed Equilibria of Myosin Binding In asthma, the mechanisms relating airway obstruction, hyperresponsiveness, and inflammation remain r

Optical Magnetic Twisting Cytometry
Optical Magnetic Twisting Cytometry Magnetic twisting cytometry probes mechanical properties of an adherent cell by applying a torque to...